Category Archives: Puffins Pundit

Give Yourself a Break

My work as a psychotherapist has primarily concentrated on all levels of adult relationships.  Much of my earlier career included teaching pre-marriage workshops along with providing counseling sessions with couples whose relationships were at deaths door.  Learning how couples did, or didn’t prepare themselves for the proverbial walk down the aisle opened my eyes to… Continue Reading


2 Responses to Flying Monkeys! Quick Get Out the Bucket of Water

  1. Thank you so much for the article….I love the analogy of the Wizard of Oz story and the Wicked Witch….I can so relate to this story…. I lived in this environment all my life – first my family of origin and in a marriage for 35 years. Because I grew up in an alcoholic and abusive family environment that was the excuse my husband used to place blame on me – I was the sick one, I was the one with problems not him….I have been everyone’s scapegoat my entire life …..but NO MORE!!!! I am excited that God gave me the courage I needed to leave, no matter the cost and make a new life for myself…a life that is free of control & manipulation. A life that I can awaken the dreams within me and create new dreams. I’m now the driver in my life….I am taking control of my life, and I’m going to be intentional to listen to my heart and my gut and to take care of myself…..something that I have not done for a long time. I am excited and I look forward to this journey!!! I also look forward to awaking the inner child in me….so that she learns to laugh and have fun again…..I know that God will bring friends into my life that will walk along side of me, helping me, befriending me, encouraging me, and loving me…..

  2. Kim, you have obviously been on a long journey of rediscovery. I applaud all of the insightful work you have done and it appears as if your positive attitude will carry you even further. I am happy to hear that this blog post spoke to you and I hope you continue to keep a watchful eye for any unhealthy types that will wander across your path and use good and healthy boundary setting to keep them under control.

Life’s Lessons

“The best thing for being sad,” replied Merlin, beginning to puff and blow, “is to learn something. That’s the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see… Continue Reading


Passing On Your Good Fortune

“When you cease to make a contribution, you begin to die.” said Eleanor Roosevelt. I believe this statement was her testament to the fact that life isn’t just about “showing up” whether that be to the dinner table, to the work place or for an after- hour’s brew at the neighborhood pub. I think she… Continue Reading


The Pursuit of Happiness

Who doesn’t want to be happy?  I know that for me it is an experience that is welcomed and desired.  Even our own forefathers saw happiness as an entitlement and entered it into our Declaration of Independence. “We the people of these United States are… endowed by [our] Creator with certain unalienable rights, … among… Continue Reading


2 Responses to The Pursuit of Happiness

  1. Thanks Margaret! I needed this article. I am going to print it so I can read it often. It makes so much sense. Find your passion and share it with another with the same passion. Such a simple statement…who knew? Cindy

  2. Deep! I need to print this so I can revisit it when I lose focus. Thank you Margaret.


November is upon us and in short order many of us will gather around tables with family or friends to celebrate our national day of giving thanks.  We reflect back on days long past when our ancestors bowed their heads in gratitude for surviving a difficult journey across the big water and rejoicing  because they… Continue Reading


“How Nerds Created Sexual Fidelity”

The following article,  “How Nerds Created Sexual Fidelity”, is taken from: The Week magazine; June 10, 2012, Volume 12  Issue 570 – Health and Science page 21.  This certainly could provide some “food for thought” for those of you who find yourself surrounded by the vast numbers of individuals who have slid into believing that the… Continue Reading

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