Category Archives: Puffins Pundit

What could be better than a party?

Last night some of the Dating Dementia grads gathered for an All Class Reunion. It was great fun for me to see individuals whom I have had the privilege to serve over the course of the last five years, assembled together talking, laughing and even planning future events. We live in a time that offers… Continue Reading


Pets and Relationships

We all know that Spike is a great Chihuahua and Pickles the sweetest Siamese that ever coughed up a hair ball. The truth is we pet lovers like to believe that no one has a more “perfect” pet than our own. Believe me, I have been down that road with my own pets. But we… Continue Reading


One Response to Pets and Relationships

  1. A lady I know gave up her cat and dog for a man that she had moved in with. The relationship lasted just a couple years. I think it is hard to match an animal lover with someone who does not like animals or is neutral. My boyfriend/spouse must love animals because it is something very important to me. A passion! My cat is part of my family. She will stick by my side no matter what, where as I can’t guarantee that a man would do the same.

Dating After Divorce 102

As I mentioned in the previous blog, it is to your advantage to take some “my time” after a relationship ends. However, sometimes opportunity knocks and going forward with meeting someone is a good chance worth taking. Or maybe the previous breakup wasn’t that significant so you want to get out and test the dating… Continue Reading


Dating after Divorce 101

Going through a divorce or the breakup of a significant relationship is draining. You can be zapped of your physical, emotional and psychological energy –not to mention your personal identity taking a real hit. Frequently people jump into any relationship that comes their way in hopes of reclaiming a sense of, “I’m ok. No problem.”… Continue Reading


Laughter really can be the best medicine.

Let’s face it; we are all very aware that life can easily get either boring or complicated. Our everyday existence can be just that— existing. We get up, shower, shovel in something that resembles a breakfast along with a shot of caffeine, load ourselves into aluminum capsules and head down the congested highway to face… Continue Reading

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