Category Archives: Puffins Pundit

The “C” Word – Commitment!

Yesterday I had the opportunity to visit my local coffee shop. As I was relaxing, there were a couple of great conversations going on around me. Even though the people were different genders and ages, the common theme really struck me. In one dialogue, a mother was under siege by a determined preschooler. He was… Continue Reading


It’s all in the pickin’!

Have you ever noticed how some people will spend days, or even weeks, researching a new car or a kitchen appliance? It seems like a curious investment of time, considering the ten-to fifteen-year life span of the purchase. Or consider the process of preparing to interview for a new job-many people will intensely research the… Continue Reading


The Miracle in the Ugly Package

I have just finished reading Chicken Soup for the Single’s Soul. Nice read and well worth the look if you are single, but looking. There was an anonymous quote that seemed just right for starting this blog entry: “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now… Continue Reading


Love defined: is that possible?

Love defined: is that possible? If you browse through your local bookstore, go online, or even glance through the magazine rack while waiting in line at the grocery store, you’ll find hundreds-if not thousands-of books and articles on love. Articles that define it, describe it, suggest how to find it, and even how to keep… Continue Reading



The act of respect is related to having regard for yourself or someone else. In order to respect someone, you must consider their right to have ownership and expression of what they are responsible for. A person has a right to both have and be responsible for the following things: their emotions their beliefs their… Continue Reading



In one of my classes Todd shared that he didn’t understand how women could be so hurtful. “I always give people the benefit of the doubt and trust them right from the start. If they wrong me I don’t let it bother me, but if they do it three times, then that’s it!” he declared.… Continue Reading


Truth in Relationships

When you are in the business of helping people develop, enrich, maintain, or end relationships, writings about relationships seem to just appear from the four corners of the earth. Somewhere in the many books and articles I have read, I’ve had the good fortune to stumble upon a quote that certainly is paramount to this… Continue Reading


Changes & Relationships

Changes & Relationships Often when individuals come to my office to work through the pain of a relationship ending, they begin by saying, “I really feel lied to. How could someone change so much? I thought I really knew her.” They express a sense of feeling disillusioned because what they thought they had for a… Continue Reading

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